Monday, October 6, 2008
Lamanya tak berblogs...hehehe raya punya pasal la kan....first thing is raya mood. eh, tak jugak... dah tua2 ni tak de la ber mood raya sgt kan. but actually dah last week of Ramadhan ari tu baru la project buat kuih raya nak start. Pastu bila dh balik kampung and takde line tenet lagi la terbengkalai blog nih. Ni baru today sampai umah.....insyaallah from today onwards blog nih akan bertatih, berjalan dan berlari lagi hehehe mengikut keadaan masa.
Few days before raya, to be exact sabtu before raya tu i gi my monthly check-up with Abg. Alhamdulillah baby suma ok.Jjust Dr tanya jek raya mana coz kalau boleh by this stage i tak merayap jauh2 la. Sib baik tak jadi balik Kelantan....so raya ni paling jauh pun kat Melaka je la yek. The baby tak enggage lagi but kepala dia dah kat bawah la. seram plak i....alamakkkk macam nak bersalin first baby la plak hehehe....but Dr won't scan the baby after 30 weeks unless there's something la. That day Dr just scan the heart beat and it sounds good. So we will see Dr in 3 weeks time. Mak ai...cepat la plak....oh no...next month baby is coming. Mentang2 la this is the fourth baby, satu benda pun tak prepare lagi...opsss Abg dah siapkan the room, baby cot and my bed. But normally beg utk gi hospital dah siap since 7th month lagik. Ni kena prepare ni...ok ok...nnt i pprepare ok. Tried to load some picture but my Izzi is too slow tonite. Lain kali la to story about the pic. Den dah ngantuk......nnt sambung okesss.....good nite and sleep tight.
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